Accelerated Reader

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Renaissance Home Connection is a portal that will share with you information about your child’s independent reading progress. At CompSci Middle School we believe that a student who reads regularly at their appropriate level will increase their capacity to read and improve their reading power. Renaissance Learning is the company that we have contracted to provide us with a tool to measure each student’s independent reading practice and comprehension.

Accelerated Reader tracks student’s reading and comprehension. Each student has been assigned a reading level and goal for each quarter by their English Language Arts teacher. The reading level is called the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD). The ZPD is a book-level range determined by their most recent STAR Reading test.  The STAR Reading test is administered in periodically throughout the year. Your child’s ZPD is recorded in the back of his/her planner. Based on a chart provided by Renaissance Learning a goal is also determined for each student. The goal refers to the number of points the student should attain in a quarter. Points are assigned to books based on the number of words in each book. When students read an independent reading book, they can take a test which will demonstrate their comprehension. An 85% comprehension rate is our school goal.

The Renaissance Home Connect page can be accessed using your child’s username and password.

Sign into Renaissance Home Connect

Username: firstname.lastname (ex. Mary.smith)

Password:  Your child’s student ID – this is also his/her lunch code(ex. 12345)

The Home Connect User Guide can give you information on navigating the page. If you have any questions regarding your child’s reading progress, please contact his/her ELA – Reading teacher.



Casey Schneider

Instructional Coach

860-290-5320 x3214

[email protected]